March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Feeding Tube Insertion (PEG) in Kansas City, MO

What is feeding tube insertion (PEG)?

The insertion of a feeding tube, or percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy (PEG), is the treatment during which a tube is placed directly into one’s stomach. This tube provides a means for fluids, nutrition, and medication to flow immediately into one’s stomach, removing the need for passage through the mouth or esophagus. This procedure might be particularly important if an individual has trouble with swallowing or other issues with consuming sufficient nutritional fulfillment orally. If you have subsequent questions or concerns in regard to feeding tube insertion in Kansas City, MO, it is best to consult with an expert GI specialist. Please request an appointment at Digestive Health Specialists to further explore this procedure.

Who is a candidate for feeding tube insertion (PEG)?

Feeding tube insertion, or PEG, is often used for people who find themselves unable to take in a substantial enough amount of nutrition orally, such as in the case of individuals who have a hard time swallowing. Sometimes an individual might only need a feeding tube for a limited amount of time, while others will require a feeding tube for the remainder of their lives. The duration of use of a feeding tube is dependent upon the precipitating factor for the condition. The tube itself will require replacement regularly to prevent clogging or deterioration. Depending on the reason for the feeding tube insertion, a person may or may not be allowed to consume liquid or food by mouth. If the tube is recommended as a result of difficulty swallowing, such as in the aftermath of a stroke, you will most likely receive parameters placed on your oral consumption. Some patients receiving a feeding tube are still permitted to drink or eat following the insertion. It is vital to discuss this in tandem with your Digestive Health Specialists GI specialist.

Is feeding tube insertion (PEG) safe?

Feeding tube insertion (PEG) is a common process but, as is the case with any medical procedure, might come with a few risks. Some of the risks of feeding tube insertion might include discomfort surrounding the tube insertion site, dislodgment of the feeding tube, and bleeding. Speak with your doctor about any concerns you might have or risks that might be heightened for you. It is imperative to talk through all of the benefits and risks of this procedure with your Kansas City, MO gastrointestinal specialist in advance of the placement of the feeding tube.

Feeding tube insertion by a GI specialist

Feeding tube insertion may permit the access of nutrients into the body in the event that taking food by mouth is difficult. If you need a feeding tube, you can inquire with an expert GI physician by way of the specialists at Digestive Health Specialists. As a physician-led team of gastrointestinal providers, Digestive Health Specialists strives to provide patient-focused care that exceeds expectations. Reach out to one of our expert gastroenterologists if you find yourself with additional questions about feeding tube insertion in Kansas City, MO, or any alternate methods for treating GI tract conditions.

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